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Remember When the Good Guys Won?

Dianne K Ramirez

Somedays I want to spew wisdom.

Somedays I want to inspire.

Most days I fall short.

As a participant of this life- not the next or the last, I want it all.

I guess my attempts at writing, is me engaging the magic my grandmother worked into me daily.

“Work hard, be kind, be true, have faith, love, mercy, and patience.”

Remember when every parent/grandparent saw education as the way forward.

“ Books now -relationships later.”

Remember the pride of the first one in college?/

When did the pursuit of intellect become frowned upon?

When angry red signs became the flags waved and raved against Mr. Rogers?

Was it when ( I whisper) some white people began to feel left behind; left in detention? Or when people of color began using education to secure an equal foothold?

Is intellect now an endangered attribute because some white people say so?

Now I digress as usual- but follow me.

After watching the 30somthingth clip of AGT and The Voice; all of which I generally have little

patience for and seldom watch, I’m crying.

Remember the show


Never mind.

I may not be making sense.

I realized; this week, I’m looking for inspiration. Feel good vibes.

Sam Cooke and

Marvin Gaye and Helen Reddy. Songs in my house I heard when growing up but didn’t know the words too, but

damn, I knew the tune.

It felt good.

I want to feel good.

I’ve been looking for some feel-good ever since Ruth Bader Ginsburg left us.

My sadness has been pervasive for the past few weeks because I mourn for me or maybe I should say- us.

The passing of someone in our lives is never about them but about our loss.

When I write “I’m hesitant to let it go because it/ It reveals a little too much of my inner layers. It’s


I write about what I wish for, what's broken. What I want to be, whole or mended as if it was part of the secret garden.

See: I’ ’m a big believer in dreams and Santa and LOVE.

My Music:

The Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei make up the Ordinary.

The Proper sections have changing texts which apply to the specific day. The Proper contains the Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Tract, Offertory, and Communion.

Today I’m listening to Maria Callas and Marianne Anderson. (divinity)

Sorry- my intellect is speaking. (yikes -being black and all)

As a non-practicing Catholic, Caribbean black female with indigenous origins

I am part of the divine.

So when zealots tell me I’m going to hell because I'm not saved -

I accept it with open arms - I don’t care.

My people were here first and last. Call me on it.

Most days now-. I have an ongoing fight with two squirrels out my window.

Sid and Nancy.

They’ve been destroying my plants on the fire escape during the pandemic.

Some days we have an agreement. Somedays not.

They see it as a means for shelter and a place to

hides nuts I see it as my place of respite.

We working it out.

I am not your path to heaven

I was made in the likeness of her but not a function or

duplicate of you.

To those who believe in God, I'm Nancy.

I want the good guys to win, So please, leave my ovaries alone.

Ps. The earth is not flat.

Signed Crazy Daisy.


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