An unintended lesson came my way today. I was reminded of letting go. How may of you have a friend, that person or a situation you are wanting to release but are afraid you are going to hurt their feelings regardless of the countless times they have put you in an awkward, dangerous or embarrassing situation or just plain messed with your life. Compromised you or you've held on to a past wrong not made right and never will be made right but you held on for restitution. Let go!
A picture my daughter took of me let me go. My body was my reflection of purpose, where I was and wanted to be and I was able to let go. She released me and I loved it. When your path is before you forge ahead with the grace, gentility and brilliance of a diamond. Do not look back because the past is the past and exists only in your mind. Be courageous. Be bold. Be adventurous. Be love. Be open. I'm reminded everyday that I'm here with a purpose and here I'll be with that purpose. I'll thrive, I'll laugh, I'm divine. Losing your way is a life lesson but finding it is joy. A joy from no one else but you. Happiness comes from within... no one does that for you. I hate to be cliche but it's so true. Let go!!! That old lady who cut you off with her scooter...let go. Say excuse me, thank you, I've had enough or have a good day. Sometimes a picture is worth more than a thousand words. It's called peace.